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Calgary Herald
In an article in Calgary Herald (Alberta, Canada) 12 vodkas were tested. In this test participated Absolut (Sweden), Belvedere (Poland), Bopoheukar Black Stallion (Russia), Chopin (Poland), Grey Goose (France), Iceberg (Canada), Kanoka (Japan), Ketel One (Holland), Pearl (produced in Alberta, Canada for a U.S. company), Precis (Sweden), Stolichnaya (Russia) och Vincent Van Gogh (Holland). The article starts with ”Vodka taste test comes up with clear winners”. The conclusion is ”Best Cellars – Precis Vodka”
Compilation of PR Clippings
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec posuere vulputate arcu. Cras varius.
Precis nudges the palet…
Clean on the lips, smooth in the throat, and warm going down, Precis Vodka is part of the vodka explosion that came about as a result of the deregulation of international vodka industries.”, Reviewer Michael Rowley states He continues: ”I’m sure you’ve noticed the results of such deregulation if you’ve recognized the success of such new vodka products as Grey Goose or Belvedere. Those are both fine vodkas, of course; and at the sophisticated level of vodka that we’re dealing with, all these vodkas can and should be enjoyed very cold and unmixed. But courtesy of the tough competition between new vodkas, we have distillers who will nuance vodka in elegant ways. Precis nudges the palate in just such a way.
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