Precis Pistachio
Warm bouquet of Pistachio with subtle hints of Vanilla, that makes you think of Pistachio ice cream from your youth. An inviting mouth feel that rests gently on your tastebuds. Offering you a truly unique flavor. Best as a shot or with soda on the rocks!

Precis Vodka
Precis Vodka™ is the product of our unique Liquid Precision technique that combines a traditional Swedish hand crafted technique with a modern distillation process. It goes through five separate distillations and is ruggedly strained and never filtered, creating a smooth and clean finish.

Precis Aquavit
Aquavit is gentler cousin of Gin created with a Précis Vodka. It has an unexpected blend of Caraway seed and Dill. Softly highlighted with Lemon peel and Anise.